My Life As A Middle Child - Putting Together The Pieces

Thursday, May 19, 2005

When did life get to be so hard?

I remember when I was young that I always wanted to be an adult. I was told not to wish my life away as I would be an adult soon enough. But what they didn't tell me was that being an adult is not always so easy. Talk about pressure... you have to make a lot of tough decisions about things that can effect you for a very long time.

Remember the other day when I said I was Dazed and Confused? Well that was nothing compared to this week.

Someone I consider to be a very good friend is leaving work tomorrow. I have only worked with her for a year now, but we are very much alike in many ways that I feel like I have known her forever. She is relocating and I know it is best for her, but just sitting here typing this, I am tearing up already. How are we going to make it through tomorrow... glasses, no makeup and tons of kleenex will definitely be in order. (Marebear, I'm glad you like your charm)

They are looking for a replacement for my friend. I have mentioned to her, MOB & HR that I am interested in expanding my roll by moving up into this position and I have had several meetings with them now, but no one is sure on how to approach BPT about it, as she is not in favor of this. I am not sure exactly why, but everyone says that I am qualified for the job and deserve it and that it is her hang up. They are even going to talk to the top guy tomorrow about it. I really want this move, but if BPT hand is forced, she can make my life miserable and I don't know if it is worth it if that is the case. Also, if she finds out about all of my meetings, and I stay in my current position, she can still make my life miserable. I hate this feeling that I can't talk to her openly and honestly, I never had this with MOB or anyone else I have ever worked for. Do I pursue it or let it go??? If I let it go, will an opportunity like this ever come my way again??

Wow, in reading this, it sounds like it is all about me. I know it isn't, but maybe it should be.

I will say goodnight now, as Doodlebug is leaving and I have to see what Oprah is doing to get Brad and Jen back together. I am mad at Brad right now and I don't know if Jen should take him back, but I guess everyone deserves a second chance.

Until I blog again... Goodbye and Goodnight.

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