Here's proof once again
Easily Amused and I were out Friday night when we passed by a store that sold puzzles. I had noticed and remarked about these puzzles several times to my DH, but he had never bought me one. Well, when I saw the 30% off sign, I decided I had to go in. As you have already guess, EA and I both decided we were each going to buy a puzzle.

These are mystery jigsaw puzzles. There are 2 puzzles in the box and you have to put them both together to solve the mystery.

This is a small book that comes with the puzzle. You read the 4 page Mystery story and then start putting the puzzles together. Once you have read the story and completed the puzzles, you solve the mystery. To see if you are right, the answer to the mystery is on page 5 of the book, but you have to hold it up to a mirror to read it.
I know it's strange, but to me, this sounded like a lot of fun.

Here is a list of the different puzzles available. I chose the D is for Diamonds and EA chose the C is for Chocolate puzzle.

Sunday night, I completed this puzzle. I''m sorry, what, did you just say.... there's a spot on the fireplace that doesn't look right. Yes, I completed both of the puzzles and there is 1 piece missing. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH Now, did the puzzle come this way or was it that cute little Doodlebug that kept visiting my work area?
Remember the theme of my puzzle story... a man murdered at a campsite on a property with Diamonds. Hmmm, I don't see anything here that remotely resembles a campsite and to me, this looks a litte more like Felines then Diamonds.
I finally bought a puzzle I have been wanting... I was able to complete it in one weekend without any help and now that it's completed, there's a piece missing and it's the wrong puzzle for my story. This just once again proves that I have absolutely positively no luck at all.
P.S. I did take a guess as to who the guilty party was from the story itself and when I checked the answer, I was right.
8 comments(s):
It was one of the cats that killed him, wasn't it?
I would check the Doodlebug's diaper in the next couple of days. Maybe then you'll find your missing piece.
Just wipe it and put it on the puzzle.
Tammy, at
9/12/2005 7:49 PM
Girl, that is so me.
I have learned that some of us just have to rely on our smarts and good looks while the rest of the world just "lucks out."
Glad to know and I'm in good compmany.
Mama Duck, at
9/13/2005 7:21 AM
I'm so sorry!! I know you asked for my help and I couldn't come over. But, on the up side, we should take the puzzle back and get a different one. Are ya sure the cat didn't do it????? I'm gonna go with the factory screwed up, because I don't think my precious Doodlebug would loose a piece. :) Oh, and your DH, well, he just needs a beaten. Or, better yet. let Doodles "read" his new Steelers mag. That will show him! :)
As you know, I haven't started the chocolate one yet, as I'm working on the C.S.I. one that's making me pull out my hair and I think my stress headaches are to be starting up at anytime now! Maybe we should do the chocolate one together?????
Tina M, at
9/13/2005 7:28 AM
OMG!!!!!!!! I just read what teh wrote. That is one sick woman!!! Humm, no wonder I like her so much!! teeheehee
Tina M, at
9/13/2005 7:30 AM
I've never seen one of those before! I think my oldest daughter might really enjoy something like that... except you've managed to scare me off a little bit since it doesn't look like they (the company) have done a very good job at organizing themselves. ;)
PS: We tend to get puzzles with one piece missing as well. I wonder if there is someone at the puzzle factory that does that on purpose and then snickers about it.... hmmmm.
Me, at
9/13/2005 8:10 AM
Teh - heh heh.
I find it really amazing that we'll buy a puzzle for the mystery aspect, but the final masterpiece is something you'd NEVER take off the store shelf if you were shopping for a normal puzzle.
So, who done it?
ieatcrayonz, at
9/13/2005 8:57 AM
teh - great guess considering the puzzle I got was F is for Feline.
On the missing piece, I think I'm going to give the puzzle to EA to do next... I'll check her diaper and make sure she "passes" the piece onto EA.
mama duck - Yup, good thing we got brains and our looks huh. (I do believe the ta ta's help too.) LOL
EA - nope, the cat didn't do it. Bring on the chocolate, I'll help ya eat it... I mean put it together.
Meritt - Oh, I bet she would love it. We'll let you know if the others are messed up or if it was a one time thing.
crayonz - You are so right, I would never have bought a puzzle that looked like this had I seen the pic first.
Can't tell, EA has to read the story first.
KGrams, at
9/13/2005 6:37 PM
That sounds like so much fun (the puzzle, not the missing piece)! Thanks for sharing. Now I'm going to have to go get one of those.
Nap Queen, at
9/15/2005 5:13 PM
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