My Life As A Middle Child - Putting Together The Pieces

Thursday, June 16, 2005

The New "Little Mermaid"

I took a 1/2 day off work today to spend some quality time with Doodlebug. As you can see by the picture below, we decided to lay out at the pool. Ok, she really laid in the pool and I knelt by to keep her from going under in 2 inches of water.

Doodlebug's first time in her pool - She has the lounging around part down already.

The was the first time she has ever donned a bathing suit and gone swimming. Let me tell you, this was not an easy task. I thought it was hard to get my body stuffed into a swim suit. I forgot how difficult it can be to get a wiggling 5 month old into a form fitting item that has no snaps on the bottom.

I am a little sad, everyone keeps looking at her and saying "look at the fat rolls on her legs, they are sooooo cute". Now in all honesty, her legs don't look much different than mine, and no one says that mine are cute. : (

As I am ready to fall asleep on my keyboard, I must go... still trying to get to sleep for more than 3 hours straight before someone wakes me. Cross your fingers for me and I just might make it tonight.

3 comments(s):

Ahh, where to start on this one....
Oh, .... I'll start by saying that I hope you got plenty of sleep last night. I couldn't sleep. and, since I'm off work today, I was wide awake at 5:30am instead of feeling like I could sleep in.

She looks georgous in the swimsuit I picked out. Can't wait to see her in the matching sarong. I'm sure that it was a lot of work getting that thing on. Besides the fact that she's not big on getting her clothes changed. It is kinda stupid that they don't put snaps in the crotch. Who ever invented baby swinsuits must have never dressed a baby.

Okay, I'm going to be as gentle on you as possiable, and I really don't mean to hurt your feelings (remember, I'm a big girl too) but our fat rolls are in no way as cute as hers. Fat rolls are only cute if you are under 1 year of age.

As far as the part about her having the loungeing down pat, she is her fathers child! He and the teenage cousin have tought her well.

By Blogger Tina M, at 6/17/2005 10:19 AM  

Oh, I just love the picture! I need to go out and buy a pool for Lauren this weekend. It's way too hot not to.

By Blogger ieatcrayonz, at 6/17/2005 12:21 PM  

Easily Amused,

Yes, you did good picking out the suit.

No, you didn't hurt my feelings, you gave me the answer I already knew, I was just hoping I was wrong.

No comment necessary on the lounging part!


Good to hear from you... isn't she just too cute. Sometime this weekend, I am going to try to sign you up as a friend so you can see all of her pics. I know she misses you. The pictures of you holding her are part of my screen saver and I show them to her and I remind her that you are her Aunt Marebear who moved away, but that we will be able to visit someday.

Yes, I definitely needed the afternoon off. This was my EO, I am still a little scared.


Yes, you definitely need to get her a pool to play in. I picked this one up at Walmart, it even has a cushioned bottom for them. However, I ordered an even cuter one from LTD Commodities, unfortunatley, it is on back order. You have to check it out in their summer catalog, as it is too cute.

By Blogger KGrams, at 6/17/2005 11:13 PM  

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