My name is KGrams and I am an addict...
Did my title get your attention??? I have been thinking about this a lot lately as I have realized that I have many addictions in my life (some are public knowledge and some are not). I was wondering if others have some of these same addictions or, what they are addicted to. So, how about we play truth or dare, I will tell you mine and hopefully, you will tell yours.NOTE: The addictions listed below are not in any particular order, other than I intentionally put the first one first and the last one last...
The first addiction I have to list would be Coke or Pepsi. I say this has to be first, as I can NOT make it through a day without a soda. I must have one every morning and again in the afternoon. I know they are not good for me, but I can't help it. For me, drinking a soda is like breathing air for most people.
Since a friend introduced me to Blogging, I have actually been online practically every night. Even if I don't blog myself, I read other blogs. I have even started a folder in my bookmarks for some of my favorite blogs.
Celebrity Gossip and Tabloids - I just love reading info about celebrities. Why is this, are our lives not fascinating enough, so we must read about others?
If you don't have the following addiction, let's talk and I will show you the error of your ways. TIVO! I am in love with my Tivo. I only have it on the main television and I find when I am in the bedroom, I am wanting to pause, rewind and fast forward and get very frustrated that I can't. (Maybe I should get DH Tivo upstairs for his Bday this year.) I also find myself wanting to do the same things with the radio. Maybe they will come out with this someday, wouldn't that be great? Then, I would never miss the celebrity news in the morning. Hey, where can I get a Tivo for my life. I so wish I could pause, rewind and fast forward my life. :)
Watching Desperate Housewive's and Grey's Anatomy. I am really addicted to these 2 shows. Of course, I have season passes for both of them on my Tivo just in case I am not home or fall asleep.
Cleaning up computers with Spyware/Adware. This is such a high for me to find out what is wrong with a machine and clean it up. I feel that I have accomplished something and that I have defeated the bad guys. (I think this is part of my OCD) DH is always telling me that I should have been a detective as I love figuring out and solving problems. SpyQueen to the rescue!!!
Lately, I have been playing Spider Solitaire. I can not walk past my computer without playing this game. The worst part is that not only do I play it, but I can not stop until I win and now I have gotten to the point that when I win, my score must be over a certain number or I will continue to play. (Should I seek professional help on this one???)
I am sooooo hooked on Pedicures. Anyone who knows me even a little bit, knows that I must get a pedicure every few weeks in the summer. Not only because it makes my toes look good, but just the whole relaxing experience of it. (I rank a good pedicure up there with O's) Yes, I like manicures too, but must have the peds.
Shoes, Shoes and more Shoes. Need I say more?
I also have been acquiring a collection of Purses. (Message to my Shoes: Don't worry, I have way more pairs of you than I will ever have purses.)
My best addiction ever... my Friends and Family. I don't know where I would be without them in my life. All of you mean so much to me and I feel very blessed to have you as a part of my life. However, I must say that I have an extra special addiction to DH, Teenager and Doodlebug.
So, now that I opened my closet and shared my secrets with you... Do you feel better about yours? Are you concerned about me? Please feel free to comment.
3 comments(s):
You don't think I really spilled all of my secret obessions do you? Not to be disappointed, I still have many more and I win on the mental scene (after all, I am older and have had more practice).
As for the looney-bin, I believe that you have recently escaped it. I however, am still here living it daily. It is nice to know that I will have a friendly face where ever it is we do end up.
KGrams, at
6/09/2005 10:55 PM
What about SEX!!!
Anonymous, at
6/12/2005 8:04 PM
My Dear Spaz,
My first thought is that I would rather have a new pair of shoes. ;o)
My second is that I am still truly addicted to DH and his body. However, you will find as you get older that sex happens less and less due to busy schedules and sheer exhaustion. However, when it does happen, it is even better than before.
Don't forget, I did rank a good pedicure right up there with O's. I guess between shoes and pedicures, I have give myself enough O's that I don't need to other kind as often.
KGrams, at
6/12/2005 10:25 PM
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