What it's all about...and then some
I have so many thoughts and ideas tonight, that I can't decide which to blog. So, I have decided to do a little of this and a little of that.First of all.... if you are reading my blog. WELCOME! My name is KGrams and I started this blog as a friend of mine was moving away (Marebear) and it was a way we could keep in touch. It has now become my therapy. (It's much cheaper than the kind where you go to some old stuffy office to visit some guy with a diploma on the wall and much better advice as it is coming from people who can truly relate. Plus, with the $ I save, I can buy more shoes and have more pedicures!) Please feel free to comment anytime you visit and I will be happy to check out your blog as well.
I have now gotten my lil sis (aka Easily Amused) and my niece (aka On the Go) addicted to blogging. Way to go guys!!!
You will notice that I never use real names. As I explained to DH on my first post, all names have been changed to protect the innocent and the guilty. Here are a few of my acronyms.
DH = Dear Hubby
Teenager = My Teenage Son
Doodlebug/Princess = My granddaughter (currently 5 months old, the teenager is her father)
BPT = my boss (if you know me, you will know what this stands for)
All other names are friends or family members.
Both of the above items are due to blogs that I happened on today and there were asking questions about people not commenting when visiting their blogs and about identities.
I changed the template on my blog again... sorry, but I love the pinks and purples. I will be updating my favs soon too.
OK, enough of that, I have a few things I want to say.
First of all, I am very fortunate that DH doesn't mind doing the laundry and does 95% of it. (Leaves me more time for blogging, pedicures and shoe shopping.) However, he is a night owl and likes to do the laundry after I go to bed. Last night for example, I was very tired, but stayed up until the teenager came home from work and spent some quality time talking to him. I finally got to be around 11:45 pm and then couldn't sleep. I finally fell asleep some time after midnight to be woken at 2am by DH. I asked him what he was doing and he says... putting my clothes away. I ask you, for the love of god, why in the world would anyone in their right mind be putting their clothes away at 2:00 in the blessed morning?!?!?! When I am leaving for work this morning at 7am (you do the math on how much sleep I actually got) I asked him if he was getting up and he states no, I don't have to get up until after 8:00. I then remarked, instead of doing laundry at 2am, you should have come to bed and then you could get up now and do the laundry.... he was already back asleep. Am I asking too much here?
Secondly, I have asked before, but I am going to ask again. Where is customer service??? Once again, I experienced bad service both yesterday and today. Yesterday, I went to the grocery store and the checker starting bagging my groceries and just pushing the bags together on the end of the checkout counter. When she finished bagging them all, she gave me my receipt and started checking out the next person without ever putting my bags in my cart. Now, this is not a self bagging/cart store. This is a full service store that will even push your cart out and put your bags in your veh for you if you ask them to. (I have used this service 1x when I had Doodlebug with me and she needed tending to.) Not only did she not put my bags in my cart, she was slow at checking me out, as once she came across my InTouch Magazine, she started reading the cover of it while running my items over the scanner. I wanted to say Helloooooo wake up and do your job please. Unfortunately, I am not that outspoken. I am more like Meg Ryan in You've Got Mail when she stated that she can never come up with a line to use at the time she needs it. (OK, before you all pull out your DVD, I know she worded it differently, but you get my point.) Then today, BPT, the new guy, the new girl and myself go out to lunch. Our server is sooooo bad that he never brings the mayo one person asked for and he stopped 3 times and stated that he was bringing a soda refill and never did bring it. Then, after he dropped off the check it took him 5 times to pass by before he ever picked it up. I know it was lunch time and they were busy, but they weren't that busy. It is a very small family run bar/grill restaurant and I have never had poor service there before. (Even though the teenager works there, they still serve me quickly and are nice to me as they don't spit in my food.)
What is the deal? Why don't people care about the job they are doing. Has today's workforce totally lost touch with any and all work ethics??? I find this more so with the younger workforce than my generation (the late 20's to 30 and over crowd).
OK, I will stop for tonight. Happy blogging!
1 comments(s):
It's taken me awhile to comment on your bad service issue. I've been chewing on it for awhile. Basicly you need to remember that nice guys always get "shit" on. But, at the same time, remember that everyone has bad days, so therefore service may not be up to par. That is perfectly understandable. However, blatent lazyness is not. I believe the person in question at the grocery store has made it a patteren. I think that I have been through her line myself. If a person has an off day I don't feel that they should be reported. Just take it with a grain of salt, but if I do get this girl again, and the same thing happens, I will report her to the manager.
Tina M, at
6/16/2005 8:28 AM
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