My Life As A Middle Child - Putting Together The Pieces

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Here I go again...

It’s been awhile since I have been on a tangent, so I guess one was due. Yes, I am once again going to rant, rave, throw a hissy fit and generally be pissy about something.

My problem… junk mail/spam, telemarketers, chain letters, lurkers and mean people. I am sick of all of them.

To me, spam and junk mail are the same thing. As the companies were finding they weren’t getting enough attention with the crap they were sending through the mail (and the cost is so high), they started sending spam to our email addresses at home and work. Apparently, that isn’t enough either, as now they are spamming our comments. So much in fact that Blogger had to create word verify and most of us have had to turn it on.
1) I do not want to buy anything from anybody that I have not personally solicited or been referred to.
2) I do not need drugs for mental stability (ok, maybe I do but I’ll get them from Walgreens) impotence or for anything else.
3) I do not need toner at a reduced cost by sending you my empty cartridges and having you refill them. (I’d probably spend more on the postage than I would to buy them at the store.)

Then there are the telemarketers. Yes, I am on the MO No Call List. However, if I have already purchased a service or do business with someone, this law allows them to call me. What ticks me off is
1) Please speak English when you call and learn my last name, it isn’t that hard
2) No, Mr. is not home, I am Mrs., and you can speak to me re the credit card offer. You can’t speak to me? You don’t mind when I sign the credit card slip at the store and you don’t mind when I sign the check that pays you, but you won’t talk to me when you want to offer us one of your “special” services that you provide.
3) We do not want any “special” services added to our card. Yes, we know it would allow us to miss a payment if we are disabled. We have no balance on our card and we have never had a balance on our card… I do not need this.
4) No, we do not want additional credit cards. (Like who would I give it to… the teenager? I think not!)

Ahhh now for the chain letters and emails that tell you to click on a site for free stuff. I get so many of these at home and work that it drives me crazy. I forward very few emails, but if I get one with a good story or joke, I will pass it on. However, I do not pass on chain letters as:
1) There is no such thing as free stuff.
2) Microsoft and other companies are not sending out checks for hits to their website.
3) Chain letters do not cause bad luck (if I don’t pass it on)
4) Chain letters do not cause good luck (if I do pass it on... remember, I have no luck at all. LOL)
5) My phone is gonna ring if someone dials my number, not due to an email.
6) This is not for a kid’s school project

Last but not least, there are the lurkers and mean people. I welcome all to come, read and enjoy. However, if you are taking the time to come by and read on a regular basis, please comment. I know I visit others and do not always have time to comment or do not feel I have anything creative to add, so therefore, I do not comment on every post that I read, but I do comment every few times I visit their site. Therefore, I do not expect you to comment on every post I have, but occasionally would be nice.

Now, with regards to commenting, don’t be mean, be nice!!! I am not a prude and I can laugh at myself without a problem, so if you have something funny or risqué to add to my stories, go for it. Of course, nice words are always welcome and gratefully accepted. Do not leave rude, inappropriate or mean comments on my or anyone else’s site. If you do not like what you are reading or have a problem with it, just move on.

Whew, I think I now have all of that out of my system. Sorry for the long post, but sometimes, things just need to be said.

Kgrams who doesn’t like mean spamming junk mail chain letter people.

8 comments(s):

The first thought that went thruogh my mind was, WOW, KGrams needs to quit hanging aroud me so friggin much, look what I did to her!!! SHE SURE IS A QUICK LEARNER :) My next thought was how ture everything she said is!!! I agree whole hartedly!! I am sick of these people also! My third and final thought, how come you don't get that extra credit card for me???? I can make good use of it! hehehe

Lovy ya!! your baby sis!!!

By Blogger Tina M, at 9/13/2005 6:55 PM  

You. Go. Girl.

As you know, I had that mean "stalker" guy on my blog for an entire weekend. All because he wanted to be an asshole. There is no call for it.

Did someone leave something ugly on your blog?

By Blogger Tammy, at 9/14/2005 9:18 AM  

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By Blogger Tammy, at 9/14/2005 9:18 AM  

You mean I should stop watching my mailbox for that 100,000 check from Bill Gates? Really? Whhhaaaa... I thought I was going to be rich.

By Blogger Me, at 9/14/2005 9:46 PM  

Alright, there is a pretty damn cool real chain letter that I recently participated in...a panty exchange. I didn't get the promise 36 pairs, but it all depends on the people you ask to play along. If you ask un-fun people they aren't going to send panties through the mail.

What, you don't need any male enhancements either? My Hotmail box is STUFF with these offers. Damn, I'd be a medical miracle!!!

By Blogger Mama Duck, at 9/15/2005 8:44 PM  

Hey, where are you???? You haven't been posting. Should I be worried? I know for a fact your life is not all peaches & cream, woman. I know you're alive because i talked to you last night. Humm, just how much did you and Jose get it on last night????????

By Blogger Tina M, at 9/16/2005 10:05 AM  

Okay, this is getting serious. It has been almost a week and we have not heard from you. Are you alive out there?

Please, don't make me beg. I'm not above it.

By Blogger Tammy, at 9/19/2005 9:52 PM  

ea - Yes, I am a quick learner. Thanks for agreeing with me. Sorry, I can barely afford my own credit card spending habits much less send you a card. hehehe

crayonz - Ditto on the everything is true or that you want me to send you a credit card too? LOL

teh - not to worry, I was goin. Not really ugly like you got, just the comment on my DH's bday blog about it sucking. I was actually speaking for all of us on that one.

meritt - yup, stop watching that mailbox... he's sending it to me anyway.

mama duck - well, now we know what your doing with all those panties/thongs that don't make it through their probation. ROFLMAO

ea - yes, I'm still alive, not much Jose as Doodlebug went to girls night out with me.

mrtl - thanks for sending the bag, I definitely needed it.

teh - not to worry, no begging necessary, I am here!

By Blogger KGrams, at 9/21/2005 7:30 PM  

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