My Life As A Middle Child - Putting Together The Pieces

Sunday, July 24, 2005

I would do anything for a Doodlebug

Yes, I would do anything and buy anything needed for a Doodlebug. To show you an example of my ultimate love and devotion to Doodlebug...

We have this beautiful crib that is on loan to us. Before Doodlebug was born, we picked out and purchased all of the bedding and toys. Now I ask you, what little angel baby wouldn't want to sleep in this wonderful bed?

The answer to that question is... a Doodlebug who is not feeling well and has a fever. Both Thursday and Friday night, Doodlebug decided she wanted to sleep elsewhere.

Here and only here is where Doodle decided she would sleep.

Grandpa was kicked to the couch and our bed was made into a pillow fortress. See the open area on the left... this is where I was allowed to sleep. (It was more like close my eyes for about 15 minutes off and on all night.)

Tonight, I will sleep in my bed without the Doodlebug... yes, tonight I will sleep.

4 comments(s):

Oh yes, I totally understand the exceptions to the bed rule.

Of course, it took me a second to figure out your other pillow talk guest in the picture foreground. I'd say the three of you and the pillow fort makes for one sleepless night.

Hugs to Doodlebug and hoping she feels better soon - and Kgrams too.

By Blogger ieatcrayonz, at 7/24/2005 7:04 AM  

poor baby!!!!!! It is so heart wrenching when he little ones get sick.

By Blogger Katy, at 7/24/2005 3:00 PM  

Yeah. It's amazing what you'll go through so that "your" baby will be comfy.

We're still "temporarily" co-sleeping and hugging th eedge of the bed every night so that Peanut can rest well.

(sigh) Hopefully she'll pick a nice nursing home for us when the time comes.

By Blogger Mama Duck, at 7/24/2005 4:08 PM  

Crayonz - Yes, there was a 3rd pillow talk guest, except he doesn't say much. Normally, he spends the night on the floor, but as he is so heavy, he adds to the pillow fortress.

Thanks for the hugs, she is doing much better. I hope Lauren is also feeling better.

Katy - Yes, it is so sad and hard to see them ill. Luckily, she is much better now.

Mama Duck - I'm still not sure if it was to make her comfy or just to get her to sleep for more than 10 minutes.

Still "Temporarily" huh???
Isn't the hugging the edge thing so great for a restlfull nights sleep. Doodlebug likes to move to where she is on an angle, if I move her, she goes right back to the same position, giving me even less room to sleep.

I saw a bumper sticker:
Be nice to your kids...
They'll be choosing your nursing home someday.

By Blogger KGrams, at 7/24/2005 10:50 PM  

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