My Life As A Middle Child - Putting Together The Pieces

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

SPF - Stuff Portrait Friday

or in my case Slow Playing Female. Kristine over at Random & Odd comes up with the great scavenger hunts of pictures to post on Fridays.

I took my pics last week, but never posted them... so, here is my entry for the 9/16 Stuff Portrait Friday.
1) Your Kitchen
2) Your Handwriting
3) Something Random

My kitchen -
I really want to update it with new cabinets, counter top and paint it a golden color with a (fake) Venetian plaster finish, but that requires $, plus getting the guys to help me with this is close to impossible.

Here is one more example of my OCD... this is my pantry, almost as bad as my sock drawer huh.

My handwriting -
My DH always comments on how large I write, I tell him it's just like me, large and rounded.

Random Object -

I decided to go to the bedroom for these pics and am posting 2 of my bedmates. (EA & teh keep it G rated here)

You have seen glimpses of this guy, but he has never been in the spotlight. So, let me introduce you to Patrick the Pup. He was a gift to me from my DH on our 1 year dating anniversary. For the past 7 years, he has taken residence on my bed. FAO Schwarz now has a pink version named Penelope. I'm sure Doodlebug will be getting one for her 1st birthday, it's just a matter of how big it will be.

Now, for my new bed pal...

this is my new CPAP machine. I now get to wear this great mask and use this machine to breathe each night. Hey, if it allows me to actually sleep, I'm all for it.

So, there you have it and there you are... my very late SPF.

5 comments(s):

I am loving the organized pantry. Now you just need me to bring over my label maker and label your shelves;).

By Blogger Katy, at 9/21/2005 10:36 PM  

Hey, can you come to my house and organize my pantry? My DH would love you for it!

Okay, when I first saw your new bed buddy, I saw the word "CRAP" instead of "CPAP". I could not stop laughing. Glad it is helping you sleep!

By Blogger Tammy, at 9/22/2005 8:17 AM  

You're at my house enough, soooo, how come my pantry don't look like that??? Hunh, Hunh???

By Blogger Tina M, at 9/22/2005 8:40 AM  

How is it that you and EA are polar oppoasites? I was itching to get at her kitchen to organize and you probably have a chart showing the location and number of products that you have stored in that pantry!!!


By Blogger Mama Duck, at 9/22/2005 1:18 PM  

Oh..finally I meet my brethren!
I organize my clothes wardrobe and it drives me crazy when my sister (who shares my clothes) jumbles it all up!
Really interesting like!
BTW, Doodlebug - cuteness incarnate!

By Blogger ilovecheese, at 9/22/2005 3:03 PM  

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