My Life As A Middle Child - Putting Together The Pieces

Monday, March 13, 2006

Lather, Rinse, Repeat

Ok, I have to know… does everyone’s shower look like this?

No, I am not talking about the soap scum, I’m talking about all the soaps and hair products. We have 2 adults and 1 toddler in the house, yet it seems that we have enough different products in our shower for 10 people. Before you ask or make any comments on it, yes the majority of them are mine. I just want to know if others have this as well or am I a freak in this regard.

What's even worse... I have a huge shopping bag full of stuff in my hall closet. I just can’t pass up a great sale at Bath & Body Works or the specials at the beauty supply store. Hey, it’s not like the stuff goes bad right.

6 comments(s):

OK, I have to shampoo and one conditioner for me. Anything other than Pantene and my hair goes on strike...I wish I could be a product-whore and use whomever...sigh...

By Blogger Unknown, at 3/14/2006 7:21 AM  

Sorry. I only have 1 shampoo, 1 conditoner and 1 soap. It appears that you're the only weirdo! :)

By Blogger Tammy, at 3/14/2006 11:45 AM  

I'm sorry, but there MUST be something wrong with Tammy & TKW!!!!

Let's see.....Ummm (counting off on my fingers);
*4 different B.B.W. soaps

*2 different B.B.W. shave gels

*3 regular bars of different smelling soaps (hubbys soap)

*2 face washes (one smooth & one scrubby)

*2 different shampoos - no conditioner, we don't use it.

*Oh yeah, the teenager has 2 bottles of Axe body wash (yes, he thinks he's all that & a bag of chips!! LOL)

*3 assorted colors of poufs(sp?) for washing. We don't use cloths.

I guess that we are soap whores at my house. Hey, at least we're clean!!! LOL

By Blogger Tina M, at 3/15/2006 8:52 AM  

I think I am such a guy in this area.
I have one shampoo, one conditioner and one bottle of my dove soap.
My husband uses whatever shampoo I'm currently on and he has his own safeguard soap....

If the shampoo's out, I'll use the soap, if the conditioner's out, I'll go without. If the Dove soap is out...I wait to take a shower until I've bought more.

By Blogger Speckledpup, at 3/15/2006 12:31 PM  

We have one bottle of shampoo, one bottle of conditioner, Soap for Hubby and I.

and the kids have
Princess Bubble Bath
Shrek Bubbles (oh, I'm sorry - it's just soap mom not BUBBLES)
Kids Shampoo for Pan
Tangles free shampoo for tink

By Blogger Fantastagirl, at 3/15/2006 5:48 PM  

tkw - huh, you really shocked me on this one. Wait a minute, did you just call me a whore? What has EA been tellinig you. LOL

tammy - Bwaaaaaa, I am not a weirdo.

ea - Thank you!!! However, I do have to say you have way more crap than I do. We have 3 soaps & 3 shampoos (one for each of us) and then I of course have scrubs, hair & body conditioners and shaving gel.

speckled pup - yep, your a guy on this one. Please tell me that you go shopping right away when you are out of dove. LOL

fantastagirl - I would be like that too, but the hubby doesn't like my "girly" soap and prefers cheap shampoo, which I can not use.

By Blogger KGrams, at 3/15/2006 9:24 PM  

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