My Life As A Middle Child - Putting Together The Pieces

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Random Thoughts to Other Drivers

1) You do not need to come to a complete stop to make a right turn (unless you have a stop sign or a red light).

2) If you are making a left and I am making a right (and there is no stop sign nor signal), you must stop as I have the right of way... it is not called a left of way for a reason!

3) The little stick on the left side of your steering wheel is to be pushed up when making right turns and pushed down when making left turns.

4) When pulling out of a parking lot, do not jump out in front of me and then proceed to slow down below the speed limit.

5) When I pull up to a stop sign and you pull up immediately after, I was there first and I get to go first. Also, my vehicle is bigger and if you can't follow the rules, I just may mow you over.

Thank you,
Kgrams who hates commuting to work and sharing the road with asshats that don't know how to drive.

3 comments(s):

Amen, sister. Reason #837 why I hate people.

By Blogger Tammy, at 3/09/2006 10:08 AM  

yeehaw! i'm right there with you!

also, you said asshats! that's one of my most very favorite words! yay!

By Blogger that girl, at 3/09/2006 2:08 PM  

You've got that right!

By Blogger Fantastagirl, at 3/09/2006 4:32 PM  

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