My Life As A Middle Child - Putting Together The Pieces

Monday, August 21, 2006

Lot's of Crap

Last week was another of those wild and crazy kinda weeks and this one isn't looking much better. So, as I sit here with my good buddy Jose, I will fill you all in.

The Move - It was decided that due to logistics, we needed to move people around at the office. This meant I had 18 computers, monitors & printers to unhook, move and hook back up. While this may not sound like a big deal, it is actually royal pain in the ass. Then, not only did I have to move 18 computers, but I had to give up my office due to moving people around, which meant I also had to pack and move back to cubicle life.

Now for the kicker, did I mention that I forgot to bring my casual clothes to work and had to do most of the move in a skirt? It's a good thing I did this after hours, as I am sure my skirt wearing big ass looked really cute sticking out from under desks. As a matter of fact, I spent so much time on the floor crawling under desks, that I actually had marks on my knees. No EA, it was not from doing something else on my knees. Trust me, that would have been much more enjoyable.

I also found while the people I work with are great, they can also be a little high maintenance when it comes to their workstations, computers. printers etc. One of the owners wanted something Friday and apparently I must not have had a good look on my face, as later he came up to me and asked me please to not be mad at him. I told him that I wasn't mad, it just wanted 20 freakin minutes without one person bitching at me over the move. Apparently, my point was taken and I was actually left alone for all of 10 minutes.

I have to say, that if it wasn't for my new friend DRM, I don't think I would have made it through Thursday without losing it. Luckily for me, DRM was there to make me laugh and take my mind off my problems. So without further ado, a big THANK YOU to my newest buddy!

The weekend was great. My friend DH was given 4 tickets to a football game. She invited J, Lucy and myself. The four of us had a great dinner together and then attended the game. The seats were awesome. We were 12 rows back from the field behind our player's bench at the 45 yard line. The only had part was actually watching the game instead of the great skin tight football pants wearing butts that were standing in front of the benches. To top off the night, I actually got carded when I went to purchase a margarita (they card 30 and under). Damn, it just couldn't have been any better!

For the good news, Doodlebug's other grandparents are out of town, so we get to keep her every night this week. It will be exhausting, but definitely worth it. (I had pictures for you, but blogger wasn't behaving tonight. I guess he was jealous that I spent so much time on my knees last week and he was left out.)

Sorry for all the babbling in this post and thank you for actually sticking around to read it, but you know how it goes when I get with Jose, I either take my close off or babble. Luckily for all of you guys, it was the babbling that occurred tonight. LOL

P.S. Melissa, I know I owe you a post from Friday, I haven't forgotten, just been busy and still have DSL problems at home.

3 comments(s):

Dude. Where you moving in Bill Clinton's office? :)

By Blogger Tammy, at 8/22/2006 9:08 PM  

on the go - very cute. Unfortunately for the DH, I worked 13 1/2 hours Wed and was back in the office at 5:30 am on Thurs. I was so exhausted that there wasn't even a thought of anything going on.

tammy - ROFLMFAO.

By Blogger KGrams, at 8/22/2006 10:24 PM  

Aw damn, I can't help but laugh at the skirt under the desk...and Tammy. Ooh boy, that had to suck.

Not literally, I'm hoping.

By Blogger ieatcrayonz, at 8/23/2006 9:39 PM  

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