My Life As A Middle Child - Putting Together The Pieces

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

I'm here... are you???

Yes, I am back from the brain dead, super busy place I have been and am ready to enter the blog world again. Did you miss me??? Thank you to those who were wondering or worried about me. I have a magnet that EA bought me that says "Life, it's just so daily". This has really summed up my last few weeks.
So, my last post was a tangent on junk mail/spam, telemarketers, chain letters, lurkers and mean people. I am so glad to see that I am not alone with my thoughts on these. If you want to check, I have commented back to everyone.

Now, onto better things... how many steps does it take to be considered walking? I'm asking this as Doodlebug has now taken to pulling herself up, standing by leaning against things or holding on with one hand. The other day, she not only was standing all by her little adorable self but she actually took a step and she did this twice. Then, later that day, she actually took 2 whole steps by herself... is this considered walking??? I guess I'll be measuring her feet and ordering those preschoolians this weekend.

Look at me, I'm ready to go out, dance and play now that I can stand.

Ooooh, here's where I left my toys.

Look Kgrams, I can play and still stand (as long as 1 hand is touching the chair)

Make sure to scroll down my blog, as I did post last week's Tantrum Thursday & SPF.

4 comments(s):

Oh No. Push her down! When they're mobile, they get into much more stuff! Just kidding. She's precious! And, yes, she's walking.

So glad you're back. We've all missed you.

By Blogger Tammy, at 9/22/2005 8:14 AM  

Oh... Doodlebugs in jammies make me tear up and cry!!!!! LOL. I'm just such a sucker for babies. ;)

By Blogger Me, at 9/22/2005 8:31 AM  

It's about damn time woman!! I was getting ready to hit you over the head with your new puzzle box! I then thought better of it since you are holding a pair of my new shoes hostage! LOL I soooo love clogs! I wear them all winter. Thank G they came back into style!!!

OH,she looks so snuggly in her jamies!!! I love when she snuggles with me!!!!!

I say 2 steps in a row is walking. But I'm biased, so hey, what so I know. She displayed her standing technique for her Uncle the other day when she was at our house. You should have heard him gushing about that ALL night!! One would have thought that she was the smartest baby in the whole world. Humm, maybe she is. Oh, that's that biased thing again isn't it???? I need to work on that. Or maybe not! theehehehe ;)

By Blogger Tina M, at 9/22/2005 8:48 AM  


That's so sweet. And yes, two steps is for sure walking. Yea! ;)

By Blogger ieatcrayonz, at 9/23/2005 8:02 PM  

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