Tantrum Thursday
In my house we have a 24 hour rule, if something is left more than 24 hours, it is fair game. Well, EA's son was over on Tuesday night and I bought him something from the ice cream truck. He put it in the freezer and never got around to eating it... 24 hours are up buddy and it's now fair game. Bwahahahaha
The above paragraph was necessary so that you will understand my tantrum post.
See these really cute shoes??? They were delivered yesterday by the UPS man for Easily Amused (we put them in my name as I get free shipping due to my preferred customer status). These shoes have been at my house for 24 hours now... do you know what that means??? Herein lies the tantrum, EA is reading this post, throwing a hissy fit and getting ready to call me and tell me this is so not fair. I am such a mean sister. hehehehehe Luckily for her, the shoes are the wrong size for me.
OK, I know you want a picture of Doodlebug for my tantrum post, so here is another picture.
See what she is holding??? Guess who was having the tantrum in this episode?
Alright, enough of the twist to my post, here is a picture of Doodlebug having a tantrum.

7 comments(s):
Hey, those shoes look to be about my size.
Since they are fair game and they don't fit you, I call dibs!!!
Thanks for the new cool shoes EA!! :)
Tammy, at
9/23/2005 9:56 AM
ROTFL..... everyone is so witty today except me! LOL.
Me, at
9/23/2005 3:28 PM
Yes, I'm whining, throwing a hissy fit and anything else one can think of!!!!!!
teh, BACK OFF THE SHOES WOMAN!!!!!!! LOL No fair games or dibs!!!!!!!
Kgrams is supposed to be my sister and teh is my adopted blog sister, so what's up with picking on EA?????? So not cool!!!
Actually, now that I think about it, I should be charging KGrams for having my beautiful new shoes at her house where she can gaze upon their lovelyness!!
I don't even want to hear what Meritt is saying. Her, not witty????? Girl, please!! She can be witty with her eyes closed and typing with one hand. She's just too perfect!! LOL
Tina M, at
9/23/2005 6:07 PM
Oh, by the way, love the calc. / gas thing! ROTFLMAO
Tina M, at
9/23/2005 6:08 PM
Cute shoes, sister! It's a good thing that you're feet don't fit. Can't make her pissy now!
Heh heh. I think I've had a few of those gas hike tantrums myself! :)
ieatcrayonz, at
9/23/2005 8:09 PM
Okay Crayonz, this is soooooo not funny!!!!!! :(
Why is everyone picking on me????? Do I have a sign on my back????? LMAO
Tina M, at
9/24/2005 7:34 AM
mrtl - yes, I can go from one emotion to another in a matter of seconds.
teh - sorry, I already took her the shoes.
meritt - Please honey, you are always witty.
EA - I'm sorry, but I can't hear you. hehehe
crayonz - yes, we are all having gas hike tantrums.
ea - sorry, but it was funny.
KGrams, at
10/02/2005 8:06 PM
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