Did you check out the ticker?
Today we reached another milestone… Doodlebug is now 9 months old. While it is exciting that she is getting bigger and able to do more and more, it is sad that she is growing up so quickly.
Last night, we stopped at Red Lobster for dinner. She helped me eat my Cheddar Bay Biscuit, Baked Potato (not to worry, her portion was dished up before I added the butter, salt & pepper) and Steamed Broccoli. Yes, pretty soon we’ll be ordering her meals from the kiddie menu. Twice now, we have given her the kids menu and crayolas. Sorry Crayonz, but so far, her favorite thing to do with them is to bang them on the table or roll them off onto the floor and have us pick them up 50 times per meal. She also also tried eating them a few times when I wasn't feeding her quick enough.
Last night, we stopped at Red Lobster for dinner. She helped me eat my Cheddar Bay Biscuit, Baked Potato (not to worry, her portion was dished up before I added the butter, salt & pepper) and Steamed Broccoli. Yes, pretty soon we’ll be ordering her meals from the kiddie menu. Twice now, we have given her the kids menu and crayolas. Sorry Crayonz, but so far, her favorite thing to do with them is to bang them on the table or roll them off onto the floor and have us pick them up 50 times per meal. She also also tried eating them a few times when I wasn't feeding her quick enough.
Happy 9 months my beautiful little butterfly
If I close my eyes and think a happy thought, maybe I can fly
I still have my happy thought and now I'm standing

9 comments(s):
I'm first!!!! OMG she is soooooo beautiful. No, I'm not being partial, so just stop thinking that. I so love my little Doodle!!!! She just started my day off the right way! :)
Tina M, at
10/13/2005 7:58 AM
Ohh, I almost forgot....I hope she liked her 9 month old birthday gift. Also, I hope her Auntie Crayonz gets to see her again soo so that she can teach her what to do with those crayonz!! hehehe
Tina M, at
10/13/2005 8:00 AM
What a beautiful butterfly she is!!
You mean to tell me that you deprived that poor girl of the greatness of butter, salt & pepper??!?! What kind of grandma are you?
Do you not give her cookies either?!? :)
Tammy, at
10/13/2005 9:05 AM
That is so adorable. Sigh, wouldn't a Doodlebug and Lauren pic in wings be so cute?
Remember, DB, crayonz are for snacking. Although, Lauren does prefer to throw hers on the floor as well to season them up before chomping down. Yum!
Happy belated 9-mo birthday, sweet Doodlebug.
ieatcrayonz, at
10/13/2005 9:41 AM
She is a doll! Her eyes are so blue, they're amazing.
Michelle, at
10/13/2005 11:31 AM
Me, at
10/13/2005 4:39 PM
I've said it before...SO CUTE!!
I want to pick her up and nibble her sute little cheeks!!
Mama Duck, at
10/13/2005 9:41 PM
Oh, little Doodlebug... what a super-sweet looking butterfly you have become.
Melissa, at
10/13/2005 10:14 PM
ea - Of course you're not being partial, she is beautiful. Oh, am I partial? Glad she could start your day right. She LOVES her gift and plays with it all the time. (sidenote, the teenager couldn't figure out how to turn it on, but Doodlebug could. Bwhahahah)
tammy - thank you. Check back later this weekend and you will see how deprived she is.
crayonz - ohhhhh, it would be the most precious thing ever. Ya wanna stop by? If you do, I'll gladly buy another set of wings.
That's what the floor thing is about seasoning... here I thought it was all about making me bend over 50 times a night.
michelle - thank you. I too just love her eyes, the color really pops against her fair skin.
Meritt - nice to hear from you. Yes, she keeps us laughing as well.
mama duck - I'll nibble her cheeks and let her know it was from you. I think she's still jealous of Peanuts hair.
melissa - yes, the catepillar has blossomed into a butterfly.
KGrams, at
10/14/2005 11:10 PM
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