What, today's Friday?
UPDATE: A new picture has been added. Sorry, but I was working from my desk last night and this pic was on my laptop. For those of you who have already read this, can you guess which picture was added?
You know what that means? Yes, I have to get my rear in gear and go on my weekly scavenger hunt for my SPF pictures. This week, Kristine is having us take pictures of pictures. Yup, you read that right, this weeks subjects are:
The best picture you have ever taken of something/someone
The best picture of yourself & why you think it is.
A favorite picture that someone else took/painted/doodled
I hope I can find all the items and pass this week, as I have been absent the past few weeks and am tardy today, I really need an A. Hmmm, maybe if I post extra pictures I can get some extra credit points.
1) The best picture you have ever taken of something/someone -
This one is really tough for me, as I have taken soooo many pictures of Doodlebug and personally, I think they are all great. I really have to narrow this down to 1?
OK, I am posting 2 pictures. One of the teenager when he was young and one of Doodlebug.

The best picture you have ever taken of something/someone
The best picture of yourself & why you think it is.
A favorite picture that someone else took/painted/doodled
I hope I can find all the items and pass this week, as I have been absent the past few weeks and am tardy today, I really need an A. Hmmm, maybe if I post extra pictures I can get some extra credit points.
1) The best picture you have ever taken of something/someone -
This one is really tough for me, as I have taken soooo many pictures of Doodlebug and personally, I think they are all great. I really have to narrow this down to 1?
OK, I am posting 2 pictures. One of the teenager when he was young and one of Doodlebug.

To me, both of these pictures show the innocence of 2 adorable bright babies.
Can you tell that they're related?
Can you tell that they're related?
Here is another picture that I took.

2) The best picture of yourself & why you think it is.
This one was even tougher than the first. However, for the total opposite reason. I don't like myself in pictures. I try to stay behind the camera, not in front of it. Even so, I dug out a couple of shots for ya.

These are special because they are photos of me and my Dad when I was little. See how I look like a Daddy's girl? Yup, I was until someone else came along and made me a middle child.
Here is a more recent picture of myself (It's only 13 years old) . This picture has special meaning to me as after I divorced the teenager's dad, I lived with my parents for a couple of years to get back on my feet. After I moved out into my own place I took my son and had our picture taken together. To me, this picture has always been a symbol that no matter what else happens, as long as the two of us stuck together, we would make it.
3) A favorite picture that someone else took/painted/doodled
These are two drawings the teenager did for me around the time he turned 7.

I have always loved the lion and thought he did a great job on it.

3) A favorite picture that someone else took/painted/doodled
These are two drawings the teenager did for me around the time he turned 7.

I have always loved the lion and thought he did a great job on it.

So, did you play? Let me know and I'll stop by.
10 comments(s):
AWWWWWWWWWWE!!!!!!! Lovin the pics of DB & the teenager!!! Sorry you got booted out.It wasn't my fault. I blame it on Mom. Hey, she's the one that got knocked up again!!! hehehe!
I love the doodles that the teenager made. I still have some from my teenager as well.
You went and got all sappy on me. Now I'm feelin all sappy too. Must.Go.Have.Chocolate!!!
Tina M, at
10/15/2005 6:32 AM
HAHAHAHAHAHA - did ya see what i wrote: Love the doodles that the teenager made
DUH!!! umm, yeah, umm, I ment for it to come out that way. Yeah, that's it. I did. :) I love the "drawings" too. teeheehee! You know, sometimes I just amuse myself!!! That's a bad thing isn't it???????
Tina M, at
10/15/2005 6:36 AM
I'm a middle child, too... I remember being a kid and telling my baby brother "You know that Mom & Dad stopped having kids after you because they were so disappointed". Ok - so I still sometimes tell him that.
I love that knight drawing... what a precious thing.
I played!!!
Oh, and less than 48 hours until GA!!!!
Melissa, at
10/15/2005 7:27 AM
Those are great!!
I will say that you, the teenager and doodlebug ALL look alike. Very cute!
Tammy, at
10/15/2005 10:56 AM
Holy giant TA-TA'S!!!!!
That's not a little titsie, that's alot of ta-ta's!!!
Ohh, I know who's ta-ta's those are!!!! They're the right size, but they don't belong to me.....they belong to a favorite blogger of mine!!!
Tina M, at
10/15/2005 1:28 PM
Hey, I know those knockers! :) Well, not personally, but I know who they belong to.
Melissa, at
10/15/2005 6:14 PM
ea - Please read Melissa's comment. HEHEHE
Yes, we too love the Doodles the teenager made too and his drawings weren't bad either. : )
"I still have some from my teenager as well?" When did he make Doodles? Lets talk. LOL
Melissa - Thanks, I love it. I will now be using this one against EA as needed.
Less than 12 hours till GA... I getting excited just thinking about it.
Tam - Thank you. When I'm out with Doodle, everyone thinks she is mine and says that we look alike.
EA - Yup, you've seen those ta-tas before. Well you know, you were there when I took the pic. LOL
Melissa - Looks like those knockers have been around if they are known in Missouri & Arkansas. Bwhahahaha
KGrams, at
10/16/2005 9:28 AM
Holy sheet, those are my teats! Kgrams, you crack my shirt up, and then you make me all weepy with your knight in shining armor.
Too many emotions to think right now.
ieatcrayonz, at
10/17/2005 10:42 AM
crayonz - oh, did you recognize them? I would love to have seen you face when you scrolled down. Hope you didn't have any co-workers lurking around.
Hey, this is a well rounded blog (just like the blog owner) that touches every subject and emotion.
KGrams, at
10/17/2005 10:26 PM
Those were incredibly sweet. ;)
Me, at
10/18/2005 4:33 PM
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