My Life As A Middle Child - Putting Together The Pieces

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

And She Lived Happily Ever After

UPDATE: Tammy & On the Go and anyone else interested... I paid $258 + tax for the Medium Signature Hobo and used it less than a month, (It's really just too big for me) I am asking $150.
Last night was a truly shitty night. I had some issues (sorry, but I'm not willing to discuss it at this time) and was worried half out of my mind all night.

So you would think that after this type of a night, God would look down and take pitty on you the next day. Not so... I had my first budget meeting. I was prepared and went into the meeting feeling very good about my budget for 2007 and our office move. Unfortunately, the owner of the company was not in the same mood. After 90 minutes or so, we finally came out of the meeting with multiple changes, (additions, deletions and reconfigures) and 4 projects for me to do. By the time we got out, I was feeling totally frustrated and like I had been beaten up.

So I ask you... when the going gets tough, what do the tough do?

In my case, it's shopping. So, after the meeting Lumpy and I went to lunch.

Since I had gotten this little item in the mail a few days prior (it's an invitation for Fall Chic from 9/13-9/17 @ 25% off anything in the store), we decided to spend our lunch hour at the Coach Store. I swear, just walking in there makes me feel better.

I am now the proud owner of this...

Chelsea Optical Hobo Bag. I HEART my new bag.

Now, I certainly couldn't have a new bag and not have a wallet to go with it could I? Check out my new Hamptons Striped Wristlet.

While I was floating pretty high, I still needed a little something more, so I stopped at my favorite Red Bulls Eye store on my way home from work and picked up this item. It even has a Exclusive Bonus Footage Disc.

I am now officially on Cloud 9 and living in Fairy Tale Land.

On the Go, here is the bag I was talking about selling. I bought it in Feb and used it for less than a month.

3 comments(s):

Geeze... I must never be online with 3 hours of you. Why? Because tonight is the first time in months that I've had an 'updated' star next to your name on my bloglist! And I have it set to tell me when/if people update within 3 hours.

We must keep COMPLETELY different schedules. LOL.

PS: I've thought of you... and the teenager and Doodlebug a LOT in the last few months. Wondering how you are, how he is... just know you've been in my thoughts, k?

By Blogger Me, at 9/17/2006 6:59 PM  

Man, if I wasn't laid off, I'd totally be mud wrestling Tammy for it.

By Blogger ieatcrayonz, at 9/17/2006 8:55 PM  

on the go - Hey, we all pimp ourselves out for something. Mine might as well be shoes, jewlery and Coach bags. LOL

meritt - I normally don't get out here till late at night. You're probably just going to have to check mine from time to time as I have no schedule in my life.

Thank you for the thoughts... things are still only so so, he was part of my Wednesday night post.

Tammy - WOO HOO... now I can feel better about purchasing my new one. My DH is starting to count how many I have. I sent you an email, send my your address so I can ship it to you.

crayonz - Mud wrestling huh???

By Blogger KGrams, at 9/17/2006 10:33 PM  

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