My Life As A Middle Child - Putting Together The Pieces

Friday, August 29, 2008

Hurricanes = People & Stupidity

Have y'all heard of this guy?
Well, it appears that I am about to experience my first Hurricane. I'm a little apprehensive about it, but not as hyped up as most since I wasn't in LA for that big mean bitch they called Katrina or her almost as cranky sister Rita. The b/f says he did have a few trees come down and lost power for several days. But hell, that can happen in any storm really. Went through that 2 summers ago in St. Louis. So, I'm not panicked, just sitting back and waiting with my well stocked pantry, batteries and camping supplies nearby for in case they are needed.

What's getting me is the total laziness and stupidity of people. For those of ya that remember, I work for that horrible business of insurance. Do you know how many people have called me today cause they have not bothered to purchase property insurance and suddenly need it today? Or just discovered the policy they have doesn't cover wind. It's like a zoo here! Come on people, it's called being RESPONSIBLE! You wait till a major hurricane is coming before you decide you need to buy coverage and then get pissy cause the companies have stopped writing it? Don't ya think people would've learned something from August 2005?
I'm just saying, think of this shit before the storm is projected to hit your ass.
KGrams who is now not in the best of moods due to exhaustion and dealing with stupidity.


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