More Packages
Yes, you read that right, more packages. As discussed in this post, I love getting packages.
Well, yesterday was all about packages... sending and receiving.
Sending: Yesterday, I mailed a little something to someone. I hope when they get it that they like it and they let me know. If they don't like it and I totally failed and suck, I hope they will quietly send me a private email. LOL You know who you are, so keep your eyes open for the mailman.
Receiving: When I got home from work yesterday, there was a package waiting for me from marebear. I was so excited as she told me that she was sending me a belated birthday gift. Remember all the great gifts I got? Well, I think this one may just top them all.

Does she know me or what???
DH has already started me off by putting $2 in my jar. I hope he adds more, as that won't even buy a gallon of gas.
2 comments(s):
Oooo this one hits my heart. Yesterday I TRIED to buy little packages.
I went to an appointment early just so I could go to the store next door to get something for two someone's and surprise them in the mail.
However the somethings I needed and can only get THERE, weren't there anymore. Others that were similar... but not the 2 I needed.
I left saddened. I couldn't make them happy with a surprise package in the mail like I wanted.
(But will be scouting out new availability...)
But... I'm happy for YOU and all. LOL.
Me, at
8/13/2005 8:59 AM
mrtl - thank you.
meritt - I am so sorry you couldn't find what you wanted to send, this is truly disappointing. Yes, start scouting for those surprises.
KGrams, at
8/13/2005 7:10 PM
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