My Greatest Achievement...
has become my biggest failureI haven’t been around lately as I have had a lot of things happening, well, at least one big thing. I have started this post in my head many times, but have never actually typed it out as I keep hoping that things will change.
My greatest achievement was the day my son was born. This was the most special day in my life and I have treasured being a “Mom” to my son for the past 17 years. However, I have now found out that I have actually failed at being a parent and am apparently not the great mom that I thought I was.
On Wednesday, November 16th, I found out that my son had skipped school for the past 2 days and work for the past 4 days. When he arrived home that night from “work”, I confronted him with this information. He didn’t have any answers as to why other than, “I don’t know”. When I kept pushing him as this was not acceptable, he told me that he hated this house and everything here, including me. Yes, my son, the person that I love the most in the world and would give my life to protect told me that he actually hated me. He said he hated it all and wanted to move. I told him that I was really sick of hearing him tell me that he wanted to move and that if he was really that unhappy and wanted to move, that I would help him pack and take him to his Dad’s on Saturday. He continued to be rude and throw a fit. I then said forget it and why wait, that I would take him out to his Dad’s that night. To prove our point, we took his car and house key from him. What we didn’t know was that he had made another key to the car. He walked Doodlebug’s mom out and then hopped in his car and took off. I didn’t see him again until Friday, Nov 18th when I was driving back to the office from a client appt and saw him pulled over on the side of the road by a police officer (failure to wear a seat belt). Needless to say, I doubled back and pulled over as well. We hugged on the side of the road and agreed to eat lunch together. We talked but really didn’t talk. He didn’t know what his problems were, but needed some time to get his thoughts together and figure out what he wants. It was the hardest thing I have ever done, but I had to leave him when we were done. I so wanted to grab him and take him back with me, but I couldn’t as he would just run again and run even further. On Monday, Nov 21st, he called me at 11:00 pm and asked if he could come home. I was so relieved and immediately said yes. He came home and we talked a little, but he really didn’t have much to say. The next morning he left for school and I didn’t hear from him again until Thanksgiving. This is when he showed up to get more clothes and wanted gas money to go see his dad. I told him no that I wasn’t giving him any money and that I was actually going to take the car back. Doodlebug and her mommy showed up then, he waited until I was talking to the baby and he took off again. I found him at my Mom’s house and we had it out over his irresponsibility and that he could not continue on this path. Then with the help of my family I took the car and stashed it away somewhere. My sister “D” then drove him to his Dad’s house (about 35 miles away). On Friday, his Dad was dumb enough to bring him back into the city and dropped him off here. My son sweet talked me and apologized for everything. The minute he found out that I didn’t have the car and that he couldn’t have it back, he stated “that’s it, I’m outta here”.
I then spoke to him again the next Tuesday. He had made a decision and decided he wanted to move to his grandparent’s house (about 45 miles away). Wed, his Grandpa picked him up around noon and by 5:00, he was calling me crying. He stated he was confused and didn’t know what he wants to do with his life. He begged me to come get him, so I hopped in my car and brought him home. We had a nice conversation and discussed a lot of things. He still wouldn’t tell me why he didn’t want to live at home, but did tell me he would like to try and live with my sister “D”. We talked to “D” and told him we would try to work it out for him. He stayed at home on Wed night. On Thursday, I spoke to him on my way home from work and he told me that he had spoken to Father at school and had gone to confession. He then told me he knew why he didn’t want to live at home. He can’t stand my husband as he is jealous of him and the fact that my DH took me away from him. I explained that I was not taken away from him, that he comes before my DH any day and that my DH knows that. I also explained that he actually gave me up, as he has gotten older and wants to be with his friends and not hang out with Mom much anymore. I also explained that this is normal and that I would always be here to help him and would love to do things with him whenever he would like. He then came home when I got home from work. When I got home, he helped me get ready for my candle party and then went to a friend’s house until the party was over. This morning, I asked him what he wanted to do. He said he would like to try living at home again. Tonight, I found out that he walked in one door and out another. Here it is 10:00 pm and he has not come home yet today and is out with some friends that I don’t know anything about.
Everyday has so many twists and turns that I just don’t know anymore and I am just living minute to minute. I may have failed as a Mom, but I’m not giving up yet.
Thank you for taking the time to read this long post. I will try to get back to my normal blogging and happier posts.
8 comments(s):
Oh I would not be 17 again for anything! And I am sooo not looking forward to my kids getting there either. It's a horribly confusing time!
All you can do is be there when he needs you, keep telling him you love him, and wait for him to grow up a little!
i reckon he's attention seeking with all this "I want to live here, there, somewhere else" thing though. It's hard being a mum, and it never really gets any easier!
Juggling Mother, at
12/03/2005 3:26 AM
Wow. Ok, I forgive you for leaving the post about your pretty ring up so long. *wink*
Be tough mom... remember "Tough Love" is the best love.
Me, at
12/03/2005 10:04 AM
Oh, KGrams, I am so sorry. I'm with aginoth. I wouldn't be 17 for anything. I can't give you any advice as my children are both 5 and under.
All I can say is you most certainly did NOT fail as a mother. What he is going through is NOT your fault. He is going through his own issues which probably don't even involve you.
Please stay strong and know that he will come around and realize what a fantastic mom he has in you. It may be years from now, but it will happen.
Tammy, at
12/03/2005 10:12 AM
Holy crap in a hat, no wonder you've been absent.
You know what, you're doing the right thing. Living at home is so difficult for a teenager embarking on the path to independence. That road, however, is much difficult when you realize how much your parents provide in clothes, food, shelter, car, and gas. I still don't think you're son understands that, and he won't unless you keep up the good job with the car and the hand outs. It's tough love, mama, but at least it's still love.
For Doodlebug's sake, let's hope he learns his lesson sooner than later.
ieatcrayonz, at
12/03/2005 3:26 PM
You have not failed as a mom. What you have done is succeeded in developing a child with free will. It sounds to me like the teenager is lost - and that, most likely, has nothing to do with you.
He is at a crossroads in his life, a time where he is not sure which path to take, and probably feels like because of choices he's made, those paths are more limited than other kids his age.
Things will work out. And they will do so in the way that they were meant to. Your son is alive, and is well... and he knows that you love him, otherwise he wouldn't waste the energy on telling you that he "hates you" - when he knows that he doesn't. Children do that for a reaction - to test the waters when they want to make 100% certain that the people who care about them the most, still care.
I wish you luck with him, and I hope you take rest in the knowledge that your son is smart, and obviously indecisive... but that he will ultimately do what is right for him.
I am glad to see you back - I've missed you.
Melissa, at
12/03/2005 3:29 PM
As you know I am more than aware of eerything that has been happening. As an "outsider" looking on the suitution, I will say that yes, it's tough. But on the other hand, I have observed the 17 years of you raising him, and in NO WAY agree tha you were not the best Mom you could be! DON'T EVEN START THAT KIND OF BULLSHIT THINKING WOMAN!!!! I know that I have said this to you on several occasions, but all these problems have NOTHING to do with how you raised that kid!!! It's all him and in his way of thinking! You have loved and doted and given him everything he could posibally want. No one could have done better honey! So, cut out that shit of being down on yourself!!! Melissa's comment rings so true to what I am thinking right now!! I have no idea what's running through your teenagers mind, and I don't think he is as sure of the problem as he thinks he is. I think it's just another excuse so that everyone gets off his back. Just like his cousin, he tells you excuses and what he thinks you want to hear. I truly believe in my heart that things will work out. It may not be tomorrow or next week, but it will. Be strong and stand the tuff love ground as you are doing now. And hey, when you need a good cry, don't forget that my shoulder is parked on my couch along with my ass, just waiting for you. I love you and am here when you need me!!!!
Tina M, at
12/04/2005 9:19 AM
OMG, my comment posted and the you see where you could post amother comment and the new word verify was "dipy". Whew, glad I missed that one!! I would have thought they were trying to tell me something!!! LOL
Tina M, at
12/04/2005 9:21 AM
Thank you all for your wonderful comments and support, they mean a lot to me. Yes, with the help and love of my family and friends I will get through this.
KGrams, at
12/04/2005 5:25 PM
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