My Life As A Middle Child - Putting Together The Pieces

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

It's all about age

Yes, everything in your life is all about age

First, we have a WTF...

I did our taxes on Turbo Tax this year and it shows that we owe big $. How the hell did this happen. I go back over the return and realize it is not letting me take a child credit deduction for the teenager. According to the program, you can no longer receive the deduction if the child turned 17 in 2005. WHAT!!! In 2005, he turned 17, he lived in my house, I paid for his clothes, meals, transportation, private school and everything else (including support Doodlebug) and I can't claim him??? The DH decided that we should go ahead and use the tax guy we have always used in the past. I said fine, if that's what you really want. He went today. Yup, Turbo tax was right and we have to pay Federal & State taxes, not to mention the fact that I bought Turbo Tax and the DH paid a tax guy. Freaking government.

Then we have this one, which I'm sure Easily Amused could agree with this past Monday.

I think they call that multitasking, right?...

Kgrams - who is not in the best of moods tonight and is really looking forward to tomorrow's pedi & mani.

Monday, March 27, 2006

What the hell....

WHY??? Seriously, why was G.A. a rerun last night? Don't the television gods know that I'm like a junkie in that What did Meredith do all week? How is Denny holding up? Did George go on his date and is he still staying with Christina & Burke? Please people, I must know know what's going on.

Kgrams, who is suffering from withdrawal and doesn't know how she will make it through the week now.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Tantrum Thursday Kgrams style

Here is an update to Monday's post. I went back to work on Wednesday and told HR and my boss that I had been offered another job and was taking it. They got me to agree not to give my final yes until they could have a chance to talk. They came back today with an offer of more $, (not as much as new employer is offering), assistant mgr for the dept and total back up to the manager (access to do the things I can do but don't have user rights to do now).

The tantrum part of this... it really is a very good offer and had they proposed this 3 months ago, I wouldn't have even spoken to my friend's company. I am sooooo confused as to what to do, but I have made my decision. This is a really good offer that I am very pleased to have been given, but it's almost like it's just too late (you may or may not remember this post, where I wanted this position last May), I'm going to have to take the even better offer elsewhere. So in the next few weeks, I will be saying goodbye to a company that I have worked for over 11 years now. I just need to remember the good times and look forward to my new adventure. If only... breaking up is hard to do... wasn't so true.

OK, now that I have that off my mind, here's a little tantrum for our favorite "puffy butt" girl. Look what Easily Amused is about to get.

Yes, it is another one of those mystery puzzles that you have to put together without knowing what it looks like. I started it on a Sunday, worked a little each night and finished it on a Thursday night. All I can say to EA is good luck.

Oh, and here is what the completed puzzle looks like, but not to worry lil sis, I will be deleting the pic from my blog so not to spoil it for you. Bwhahahahaha

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

That's 70 Show (Season 2)

The Kept Woman with the help of an accomplice has posted this week's WBW theme. They want to see some real fug by asking for the 70's. Time of plaid, rainbow colors and just put this bowl on your head and I'll cut your hair for you.

My little sis Easily Amused is trying to kiss up to TKW as she has been lacking in her WBW posts. So for this week, she not only posted pics of herself, she made sure they had my older sister and I in them in all of our fug.

Not to be out done, I am posting Season 2.

This is a gathering at our neighbors in the early 70's. I'm in the blue dress, EA is the baby on my right and the girl to my left is our older sister. The boy next to EA looks like he could be on Star Trek with that shirt.

Christmas morning. I'm sure you can tell it's me, EA & our older sis. In this pic, my hair is actually outdone by the wonderful plaid pants and red vest I'm wearing. Damn was I hot or what.

Again, not to be out done by EA, On the Go, here's another one for you.

The players in this wonderful little drama are... a niece (this is not On the Go), EA, and myself in the first row. Our older sister, Dad and brother (On the Go's Dad) in the back row. Check out the psychedelic shirt I'm wearing. EA has on her "puffy butt shirt", she used to heart her puffy butt shirt. Even now, I think she misses it.

Did ya play??? If so, let me know and don't forget to go see TKW.

Monday, March 20, 2006

It's a big decision...

the question is, am I a big enough girl to make it? (No EA, we are not talking about body size here, for that, I am definitely big enough.)

I have several very good and very close friends. I also have one absolute very best friend in the entire world. Lumpy and I have been friends since the fourth grade and have shared many things together both good and bad. I can't imagine my life without her and I am sure she feels the same. She actually says we have to remain friends for the rest of our lives as we know too much about each other.

So anywho, Lumpy and I are in the same business and every few years she calls me up and says her office has a job I should apply for. Normally, I just laugh it off and that's the end of it. I did interview with them for one position, but decided to stay put. Well, about a month ago, we were talking and she mentioned that due to the increased size they have grown to, that she can no longer handle everything she has been doing and that I should come work with her. I laughed the comment off as usual and thought nothing more of it. She called me a few weeks ago and said... I've been really talking you up and have them up to $_____ per year, will you call them? My reply, Oh, you're serious about this, I guess I need to talk to my DH.

I met with them today and they have offered me the job. It is doing the same thing I am currently doing, except they have a different system I would need to learn and a little more involved work as I would be the only person in my department. (read this part as no BPT with control issues) I will lose 1 week of vacation (I currently get 4) and would actually have a commute to work, but they are offering me a 2 digit increase in pay.

Can I put my comfort level of 11 years with the same employer aside and move to a new company? I'm 99.9% sure I'm going to make this move, I just have to wait for the formal ltr and to tell my current employer.

If you have any thoughts, comments or words of wisdom, please let me know.

kgrams - who's wondering how many pairs of shoes she can purchase with a hefty pay increase.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Your thoughts???

*** UPDATE*** It seems that everyone feels Doodlebug should remain a Doodlebug. So it shall be. Now, for those of you wondering what her real name is, just keep wondering. OK, just kidding. I have decided that at some future time, I will put her name in one of my posts (I already did this with the teenager and EA did it with her name as well) and hopefully those who want to know, will catch that it is there.

First I must say that blogger is being a total biatch today!

Secondly, I tried to delete the video from my blog, but since blogger was not cooperating, it stayed out there all evening. For this, I apologize to my blog friends and family.

Last and certainly not least, I have a question for you and would like your thoughts. Since I started this blog, I have been calling my precious little granddaughter "Doodlebug" (Doodle or DB for short), now that she is 14 months old, has she outgrown this name?

Such a sweet little girl

who ten minutes earlier I was willing to give away to the gypsies.

On Saturday, Doodlebug was very tired and no matter what I did, she would not take a nap. It got so bad that she would just walk from room to room crying and yawning. Occasionally she would stop for the obligatory high pitch scream before going into the next room. Apparently, this wore her out so much that she eventually collapsed on the floor asleep.

Being the good gma that I am, I took a picture of her and then covered her up as there was no way I was going to attempt to move her and take the chance of waking up the demon child she had been.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

What have we done to her

and will she be corrupted forever???

Doodlebug hearts music. She is a major music lover with a diverse taste in music ranging from Nursery Rhymes, Rock, Country & even Rap Crap. She loves it all.

The top 20 CMS countdown was on the other night (we play it for her as she likes country music) and when the #1 song came on, Doodlebug dropped what she was doing, ran up to the tv and started dancing and shaking her little diaper wearing bottom. I was laughing so hard, that I couldn't grab my camera to get a shot. So, what was the #1 song you ask... it's playing on my blog now. Yes, Doodle loves Honky Tonk Badonkadonk. (We later TIVO'd the song to see if she would do it again. Well, she has and here is the proof on 2 different days.)

Video Sharing at

Video Sharing at

Video Sharing at

As you can see, she responds to the words "money maker", I told my husband that if she starts slapping her bottom like the girls in the video, that this will never be played for her again.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Lather, Rinse, Repeat

Ok, I have to know… does everyone’s shower look like this?

No, I am not talking about the soap scum, I’m talking about all the soaps and hair products. We have 2 adults and 1 toddler in the house, yet it seems that we have enough different products in our shower for 10 people. Before you ask or make any comments on it, yes the majority of them are mine. I just want to know if others have this as well or am I a freak in this regard.

What's even worse... I have a huge shopping bag full of stuff in my hall closet. I just can’t pass up a great sale at Bath & Body Works or the specials at the beauty supply store. Hey, it’s not like the stuff goes bad right.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

No tantrums, but plenty of mess

Our little Doodlebug has become a very independent little toddler and wants to feed herself whenever possible.

I just love to watch her little chubby fingers pick up items and put them in her mouth.

Silverware is for sissies, real toddlers use their fingers.

What do you mean we're out of mashed potatoes?

Any takers on cleaning her up when she's done? No Easily Amused you can not lick her face clean as mashed potatoes are definitely not on your low carb plan.

These next photos are a bonus for my blog sis Crayonz as I know how much the static hair cracks her up.

Have a great Friday!!!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Random Thoughts to Other Drivers

1) You do not need to come to a complete stop to make a right turn (unless you have a stop sign or a red light).

2) If you are making a left and I am making a right (and there is no stop sign nor signal), you must stop as I have the right of way... it is not called a left of way for a reason!

3) The little stick on the left side of your steering wheel is to be pushed up when making right turns and pushed down when making left turns.

4) When pulling out of a parking lot, do not jump out in front of me and then proceed to slow down below the speed limit.

5) When I pull up to a stop sign and you pull up immediately after, I was there first and I get to go first. Also, my vehicle is bigger and if you can't follow the rules, I just may mow you over.

Thank you,
Kgrams who hates commuting to work and sharing the road with asshats that don't know how to drive.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

A Couple of Random Questions

1) Why is it that when you find something you really like (in this case foundation), the company quits making it or tries to change it on you?

2) Why would someone have a cowbell attached to the underneath of a pick up truck?

3) When a toddler throws something on the floor and you pick it up and then they do it again and you keep the item telling the child they can't have it back... why do other people at the table tell the child they are sorry and try to give them the item?

Monday, March 06, 2006


I know I have been using "Seriously" a lot lately, but ever since they started saying it on GA (Grey's Anatomy for any new comers to my blog), I have been hooked on it and it's my favorite word.

In the case of this post, it truly fits. These are just some of the things you would have heard at my house this past week.

Example #1
Hubby - Is this week large trash pickup week?
Me - I'm not sure, I think it might be the 3rd week of the month, but honestly, I don't know.,
You should check the dumpster, it has a sticker on it.
Hubby - I'm sure it's this week.
Me - OK
Hubby then takes the trash out. When he comes back in, I ask him when it is. His response, I don't know, I didn't look.

Example #2
Hubby - I'm looking for a snack.
Me - I gave him several suggestions at which he didn't seem very interested. I then suggested
Teddy Grahams as he and Doodle both can eat them. I also told him where to find them in
the cabinet.
Hubby - This box of cinnamon Teddy Grahams?
Me - Yes, those are the only ones we have, Doodle loves them.
Hubby - Can she have them?
Me - Yes
Hubby - Are you sure she can eat them... won't they choke her?
Me - Under my breath... Yes, that's why I told you to give them to her.

Example #3
Me - I'm going to bed, are you going to come to bed soon?
Hubby - Yes, I will be there in just a minute
Me - OK, what are you doing?
Hubby - Checking my email, then I;m going to brush & floss, then change over the laundry and do some paperwork.
Me - Guess I'll freakin see you tomorrow, huh.
Hubby - Well, when you put it that way, I guess you want me to come to bed.
Me - Under my breath - No, I just asked for no reason.

Example #4
Me - Do you have any spare $, or do you want to me to go the ATM?
Hubby - Do you need $?

Example #5
Me - When you come back up from the basement, will you please bring up the crockpot?
Hubby - The big one that's downstairs? (Please note, this is the same crockpot that I always use and it is always stored on a shelf in the basement.)

Example #6
Hubby calls me at 5:15 and tells me that he is on his way home from work.
Me - OK, we'll be here waiting
Hubby - Who's we?
Me - Me and Doodlebug
Hubby - Oh, is she still there? (Note, she always goes to her Mommy's house at 6:00 on Saturdays and 90% of the time, he is the one that takes her.)

Example #7
I buy a remote to work the PS2 player for when we play Doodlebug's DVDs.
Me - I can't get this new remote to work.
Hubby - Did you put batteries in it?
Me - Oh, silly me, you have to actually put the batteries in it?
Hubby - I mean, did you put them in right?
Me - No, I put them in wrong, just so we could have this conversation. (please see Sunday
random thoughts post about mother nature, yes I am a little cranky) Upon further
inspection of our PS2 machine it doesn't have the little eye on it to read the signal (we bought
it when the first came out) . The remote is now sitting on the kitchen counter with the
package it came in.
Hubby - Did you ever get the remote to work
Me - Uh, no. It isn't compatible with our player, so I have to call the company.
Hubby - So, it isn't working.
Me - The remote works fine, it isn't compatible with our PS2 player, I have to call the company during normal business hours.
Hubby - So, did you call them about it.
Me - Sunday is not considered normal business hours. I'll have to do it from work this week.
Hubby - Oh, so it's sitting up here so that you can take it to work and call them.
Me - Y.E.S.

And then there was the incident where I asked him to stir something for me as I was cutting up chicken, dredging it in flour and frying it all while keeping Doodle away from the stove. He question was... Do I stir it real good? My response... As opposed to stirring it real bad? Yes!

Do I need to say more??? Seriously!

So I started feeling a little guilty about ranting and raving on my DH. Yes, I was last week and was a little out of sorts and should not take it out on him. Then last night, we had this whole thing with me updating his email address book and sending some emails for him that definitely made me decide I was posting this.

Then today, I got an email from him at work that said this...
"Hi My Love!
I Love your magic fingers your super smart brains and everything about you. Your the very, very, very best!!!"

Now I feel extremely guilty and really shouldn't click on the publish post button, but the bed wasn't made today, so as my Dad used to say, "All is fair in love and war". So, I'm posting as I guess this is what love is all about.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Sunday random thoughts and questions

I would be happy to watch/listen to Matthew McConaughey play naked bongo drums and would never call the police on him.

What was Matthew drinking during his interview??? It looked like wine, but as it wasn't a wine glass, I wonder if it was Kool-Aide.

Matthew hasn't used deodorant in how many years??? Hey, I'm not saying I wouldn't still do him, but uck.

Patrick Dempsey & George Clooney were both heartthrobs and very cute in their 20's, they are even hotter and better looking in their 40's.

Damn that I wasn't a hair dresser when Patrick Demsey walked into that salon.

Pretty Boy Pitt... I love that name. (See, there are some cute men that come from the Midwest.) Too bad he's with the skank.

I want Mariah Carey's shoe closet.

How did I miss seeing McDreamy's nekkid butt in the first scene of episode one? How Did I miss seeing McDreamy's nekkid butt in the first scene of episode one? How DID I miss seeing McDreamy's nekkid butt in the first scene of episode one?

What is the tattoo on Burke's arm?

Mother nature is a major biotch for what she does to women. AARGH!!!

This is my 200th post. Woo Hoo

This blog is temporarily closed...

The owner is taking today off to watch the Barbara Walter's Special with Matthew, Patrick & George. After that, she will be found curled up on the couch with a Pepsi, bowl of popcorn and her Eeyore blankie watching the entire 1st season of Grey's Anatomy.

She will try to get off the couch occasionally to do laundry and make her husband banana nut bread as she knows she will be feeling a little guilty for drooling over these other men all day.

Friday, March 03, 2006

A little Friday humor

This is pretty much how my week was. All I can say is I heart Maxine and TGIF!!!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

The toilet paper bandit

All I can say is that it's a good thing she is so adorable and that Walmart has the 24 roll of toilet paper so cheap.

Yes, that is toilet paper under her lip. Apparently, wood is not the only thing she has added to her diet.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

The things that make girls happy

Hi everyone, I'm sure you remember me, my name is Doodlebug. I'm taking over Gma's blog tonight.

Gma has been very sad since my Daddy decided to go live with his gma and gpa (she's been putting on a very brave face for me, but I know better). So she decided that she and I both deserved a special gift and went shopping. Want to see what we got???

This is what Gma got me.

Yes, this is not my best photo, but in my defense, I was not feeling well and found out today that I have another ear infection.

As you can see here, my second time down really perked me up. Gma knows just the right medicine to make me feel better.

In case you were wondering... yes, it is in the middle of the living room. Gma says that if we can find another one at a yard sale (real cheap) for outside, that we can keep this one inside all year long (She mentioned something about Missouri having a lot of cold, hot and rainy weather and then the fact that she needs something inside to help burn all my extra energy. I don't get it but hey if it means two slides, I'm all for it).

Wanna see more??? Here's a quick video of me on it.

Video Sharing at

Oh, do you want to see what Gma bought herself?

Now I don't get this one at all, it doesn't look near as much fun as my new slide, but it sure made Gma happy to get it. Seriously???

Aunt T, Gma said to tell you not to start whining, as it's only Wednesday and tomorrow is Tantrum Thursday. Oh, she also said you can borrow it and watch it if you want.